Various forms of evil that mainstream culture overlooks

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This blog discusses various forms of evil that our mainstream culture overlooks, or at least forms of evil that culture does not recognize as being evil.

Unnoticed evil is not the same as unseen evil. Unseen evil refers to an evil that is occurring, but not where we can observe it. Unnoticed evil, on the contrary, is occurring in plain view and/or under our noses, but despite being in plain view, goes unnoticed and unacknowledged.

When we think of evil, we often think of terrorism, pedophilia, robbing a bank, committing murder, etc. Yet there are other behaviors and mindsets that mainstream culture does not think much of, but are still harmful and destructive. Because mainstream culture overlooks these harmful and destructive behaviors and mindsets, individuals with bad intentions are able to adopt these behaviors and mindsets, and still view themselves—and be viewed by others—as being perfectly okay descent people. Conversely, their victims are left with feeling like something is wrong with them for being hurt.

Perhaps you have a feeling sometimes that you are getting hurt over nothing and something is wrong with you. Certain people or events may get under your skin and you may not know why. The world around you may be trying to convince you that you are the problem. Conversely, you may be one of the people adopting these harmful behaviors and/or mindsets, in which case you may have a darkness inside of you that you are not aware of.

The articles below discuss these harmful and destructive behaviors and mindsets as they exist in mainstream culture, and as they exist in regular everyday interactions.


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